Resin yield in Pinus elliottii Engelm. is related to the resin flow rate, resin componentsresin duct characteristics at three locations in southern China
作者:Yi M, Jia 时间:2023-04-16
In pine species, resin ducts are the specialized secretory structures to synthesizestore resin. Resin terpenes finds broad applications in pharmaceutical, chemical, biofuel,food fields. Previous slash pine (Pinus elliottii Engelm.) breeding programs mainly focused on improvements in growthwood properties in China. The incorporation of resin productionselective slash pine tree breeding occurred rarely, as standard tapping method to identify high-resin yield (RY) individuals is time-consuming, laborious,expensive. The objective of this study was to identify high-RY slash pine trees with the method of resin flow rate (RFR) in a short timeframe in three plantations of southern China. The comparison of chemical profile between high-low-yield individuals was also conducted. Moreover, the structural basis referred to resin secretion was studied by investigating the relationship between resin duct characteristicsRY. The phenotypicgenetic correlation coefficients between RYRFR at all three sites were 0.44−0.850.58−0.71 respectively, which indicated that RFR measuring technology was reliable for tree breeders to slash pine trees with high RY for breeding purpose. Resin component analysis revealed that the relative contents of β-pinene were higher in more productive trees; however, for α-pinene, the relative contents were significantly lower. Seasonal variation was low for most resin componentshighly consistent across resin yielding classestest sites. There were strong relations between RYresin duct sizearea at all three sites. High-yield individuals were always characterized by larger duct sizeslarger total areas when compared with low-yield trees. The RFR, certain resin components such as β-pinene,most resin duct characteristics could be useful criteria for evaluating resin production in slash pinecould be applied to improve tapping managementbreeding programs.