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Mei Garden
Time: 2021-11-23
Originally constructed in 2002, Mei(Armeniaca mume) Garden coveres an area of 4 ha with 0.8 ha of water pond. It is located at the entrance area of Cherry Valley, the north-west part of Beijing Botanical Garden, where the plants enjoy leeward to the sun environment. The entire garden is planted in a natural style, making use of the original terrain. More than 1100 Mei plants of 80 cultivars were planted here. The main plant cultivars are from cold- hardy Apricot Mei GroupMeiren Group such as A. mume ‘Fenghou’, A. mume ‘Meiren’ so on. Other groups of Mei were also planted here like A. mume ‘FubanTiaozhi’ from Versicolor Group, A. mume ‘BianLüe’ from Green Calyx Group, A. mume ‘JiangnanZhusha’ from Cinnabar Purple Group, A. mume ‘DanfenChuizhi’ from Pendulous Group, A. mume ‘Dan Tao Fen’ from Pink Double Group etc. Located to the north of Mei Garden, Mei Cultural Centre, a delicate courtyard, was completedopened to the public in 2017 to commemorate Mr. Chen Junyu (1917-2012), a senior academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineeringprofessor of Beijing Forestry University, who made great contributions to the Mei research. It is also used to popularize Mei knowledgeto carry forward Mei culture. As the messenger of early spring in Beijing, different varieties of Mei starts to bloom one after another , from late March to mid-April. Spring starts to show its beauty via the mountain-and-water painting created by Mei flowers. Wandering in the sea of Mei flowers, you will really enjoy the ancient posture, beautifull petalfaint fragrance of Mei visuallymentally.